MediPet is SA’s leading pet insurance broker offering comprehensive, genuine & transparent cover.
Our Pet Insurance Cover
5 comprehensive & simple options for genuine, transparent cover.
$ R25 000 per year
Per Month- Accidents
IllnessesPre-Existing Conditions CoverHolistic WellnessBehavioural TherapyPrescription FoodDental Care
LiteAffordable & Limited
$ R40 000 per year
Per Month- Accidents
- Illnesses
Pre-Existing Conditions CoverHolistic WellnessBehavioural TherapyPrescription FoodDental Care
LitePlusPre-existing Cover
$ R40 000 per year
Per Month- Accidents
- Illnesses
- Pre-Existing Conditions Cover
Holistic WellnessBehavioural TherapyPrescription FoodDental Care
EssentialMost Popular
$ R60 000 per year
Per Month- Accidents
- Illnesses
Pre-Existing Conditions Cover- Holistic Wellness
- Behavioural Therapy
Prescription FoodDental Care
Ultimate360Most Comprehensive
$ R72 000 per year
Per Month- Accidents
- Illnesses
Pre-Existing Conditions Cover- Holistic Wellness
- Behavioural Therapy
- Prescription Food
- Dental Care
Our pet insurance cover has your furry family covered
With 5 tail-wagging options for dogs & cats, we guarantee happy, high paws all round. Every pet deserves MediPet. And so do you.

Our R17 pm per family vet fee allows our in-house vets & vet nurses to actively help with everything related to your cover.
MediPet’s Veterinary Fee is a value-added service and not considered a financial product regulated under the FSCA (Financial Sector Regulation Act). Members are therefore not afforded the same protections in respect of this value-added service/product that may apply to financial products that are regulated in terms of this Act.
Optional Add-Ons
Everyday Routine Care
Get preventative care cover towards vaccinations, tick/flea & deworming, microchipping & sterilisation,
grooming & nail-clipping, training & puppy socialisation.
Routine Lean for R65 per month, R1 100 per year (R320 Savings)
Routine In-Between for R130 per month, R2 200 per year (R640 Savings)
Routine Supreme for R195 per month, R3 300 per year (R960 Savings)
Chronic Care Support
Cover for ongoing treatments not traditionally covered by insurance.
Available on Essential & Ultimate360 plans only.
Benefit Booster
First of its kind in SA – this can be used to add benefits, increase benefits,
or cover pre-existing conditions on all plans. Wow!
Premium Saver
Premium Saver 1 000 saves you 7.5% on your premium every month,
with a fixed excess of R1 000 per claim.
Premium Saver 2 000 discounts your premiums by even more!
You’ll get 15% off your premium every month with this add-on, with a fixed excess of R2 000.
Both options replace the Lite, LitePlus, Day-2-Day, Hospital, & Dental Excesses (for Essential & Ultimate360 plan members).
If you don’t claim a lot, & for small claim amounts, this is a no-brainer for you.
Available on Lite, LitePlus, Essential & Ultimate360 plans only.
Your faithful & honest partner in pet insurance
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