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Pet Insurance Plans

Lite Plan

R40 000 per year

Affordable & Limited


Why would I choose this plan?

Looking for most affordable accident, & illness cover

You may have an older pet

Benefit Booster is available should you need more cover
  • Up to 4 claims per policy year – you decide which claims to submit within your annual maximum
  • Maximum of R13 760 per claim 
  • No-claim period: 30 days (all accidents, as listed in the Accident plan, are covered immediately)
  • Excess: 25% minimum of R300 per claim 
  • Pre-existing conditions will not be covered on Lite
  • Holistic wellness (any treatment not forming part of normal mainstream vet treatment), supplements, behavioural therapy, dental care, radiation, chemotherapy & prescription food (Benefit Booster is available should you need more cover)
  • Cremation benefit, missing pet advertising & theft contribution
  • Emergency boarding fees

LitePlus Plan

R40 000 per year

Pre-Existing Cover

Why would I choose this plan?

You need cover for a pre-existing condition

You may have an older pet

Benefit Booster is available should you need more cover
  • Up to 4 claims per policy year – you decide which claims to submit within your annual maximum
  • Maximum of R13 760 per claim 
  • No-claim period: 30 days (all accidents, as listed in the Accident plan, are covered immediately)
  • Excess: 25% minimum of R300 per claim 
  • Holistic wellness (any treatment not forming part of normal mainstream vet treatment), supplements, behavioural therapy, dental care, radiation, chemotherapy & prescription food (Benefit Booster is available should you need more cover)
  • Cremation benefit, missing pet advertising & theft contribution
  • Emergency boarding fees

Essential Plan

R60 000 per year

Most Popular


Why would I choose this plan?

Accidents, illness, emergencies, & holistic wellness

Worry-free, comprehensive cover

You want to be able to add chronic care support if needed

Benefit Booster is available should you need more cover

Your dog is under 9 years of age upon joining
  • Hospital Excess: Applicable to all mainstream vet treatments rendered in hospital 25%, minimum of R350 excess per claim
  • Day-2-Day Excess: Applicable to all mainstream vet treatments rendered out of hospital, R300 excess per claim
  • Holistic WellnessSupplements & Emergency Boarding: The holistic wellness, supplement & emergency boarding excess is 18% of the claim
  • All accidents, as listed in the Accident plan, are covered immediately without waiting periods
  • 30-day no-claim period from date of joining
  • This is followed by a 30-day 50% shared co-payment period
  • There is a 6-month waiting period for knee & hip, elbow & shoulder, eye, respiratory system & spinal treatments, however we will pay up to R5 000 towards diagnostic tests within this period (Pets under 4 months upon joining may still be considered for part or full cover of these treatments)
  • 1 of each of the following per policy year: Cruciate ligament, luxating patella, hip, elbow, shoulder surgery & foreign body ingestion
  • The cost of further surgeries within the same year will be shared at 50%
  • Day-2-Day Benefit –R1 500 per claim, & up to R6 000 per year
  • Holistic Wellness – physiotherapy, homeopathy, hydrotherapy, acupuncture, rehabilitation & more – up to R5 000 per year
  • Supplements – up to R2 000 per year
  • Behavioural Therapy – up to R4 000 for the lifetime of your pet
  • Missing Pet Advertising – R250 per year
  • Emergency Boarding fees – R500 per cat per year & R1 000 per dog per year – not to be used for holiday care
  • Theft – R1 000 in the event that your dog is stolen or goes missing & is not found or does not return within 45 days
  • Radiation & Chemotherapy
  • All dogs between the ages of 8 & 9 are subject to a complete vet history when joining Essential
  • All cats 9 years & over are subject to a complete vet history when joining Essential
  • All dogs over 9 years of age are offered Lite, LitePlus or Accident plans, not Essential

Ultimate360 Plan

R72 000 per year

Most Comprehensive


Why would I choose this plan?

Accidents, illness, emergencies, & holistic wellness

Worry-free, comprehensive cover

You’re looking for additional benefits, such as dental care, prescription food & sterilisation

You want to be able to add chronic care support if needed

Benefit Booster is available should you need more cover

Your dog is under 9 years of age upon joining
  • Hospital Excess: Applicable to all mainstream vet treatments rendered in hospital 25%, minimum of R350 excess per claim
  • Day-2-Day Excess: Applicable to all mainstream vet treatments rendered out of hospital, R300 excess per claim
  • Holistic WellnessSupplements & Emergency Boarding: The holistic wellness, supplement & emergency boarding excess is 18% of the claim
  • Dental Care (an Ultimate360 plan benefit): The dental care excess is 25% of the claim, minimum of R500 excess per claim
  • All accidents, as listed in the Accident plan, are covered immediately without waiting periods
  • 30-day no-claim period from date of joining
  • This is followed by a 30-day 50% shared co-payment period
  • There is a 4-month waiting period on prescription food, dental care and sterilisation claims
  • There is a 6-month waiting period on the cremation benefit
  • There is a 6-month waiting period for knee & hip, elbow & shoulder, eye, respiratory system & spinal treatments, however we will pay up to R5 000 towards diagnostic tests within this period (Pets under 4 months upon joining may still be considered for part or full cover of these treatments)
  • 1 of each of the following per year: Cruciate ligament, luxating patella, hip, elbow, shoulder surgery & foreign body ingestion
  • The cost of further surgeries within the same year will be shared at 50% 
  • Day-2-Day Benefit –R1 700 per claim, & up to R7 500 per year
  • Holistic Wellness – physiotherapy, homeopathy, hydrotherapy, acupuncture, rehabilitation & more – up to R5 000 per year
  • Supplements – up to R2 000 per year
  • Behavioural Therapy – up to R4 000 for the lifetime of your pet
  • Missing Pet Advertising – R250 per year
  • Emergency Boarding fees – R500 per cat per year & R1 000 per dog per year – not to be used for holiday care
  • Theft – R1 000 in the event that your dog is stolen or goes missing & is not found or does not return within 45 days
  • Prescription Food – R150 per month for up to 6 months per year
  • Cremation Contribution – up to R500 per cat & R1 000 per dog
  • Radiation & Chemotherapy
  • Dental Care – one dental procedure per year
  • Sterilisation – up to a maximum of R1 200
  • All dogs between the ages of 8 & 9 are subject to a complete vet history when joining Ultimate360
  • All cats 9 years & over are subject to a complete vet history when joining Ultimate360
  • All dogs over 9 years of age are offered Lite, LitePlus or Accident plans, not Ultimate360

Accident Plan

R25 000 per year

Basic Cover


Why would I choose this plan?

You want cover for accidents only

You may have an older pet
  • Car accident
  • Burn or electrocution
  • Fall from an elevated position
  • Near-drowning
  • The actions of another animal
  • A swallowed or embedded foreign object requiring surgical or endoscopic removal
  • Snake bite
  • An allergic reaction to an insect bite (other than tick or flea bites)
  • Billiary (tick bite fever)
  • Ingestion of chemical/poison
  • Acute traumatic ligament or tendon injury

Or otherwise result in:

  • A fractured bone &/or tooth/teeth
  • A puncture wound
  • Lacerations, abrasions or wounds
  • A gastric torsion (gastric dilation volvulus)
  • A soft tissue prolapse
  • Organ rupture
  • Heatstroke
  • Blunt trauma
  • The cost of any treatment before the date of acceptance of cover
  • Claims related to an incident that does not fall in the list of accidents
  • Cost incurred if the pet was not seen by a vet within 48 hours of the time of the accident (MediPet may request a vet history)
  • Any pre-existing conditions
  • Waiting periods: None 
  • All treatment costs must be incurred after the acceptance of your cover by both parties
  • Cover will start from the date of acceptance by both parties
  • Excess: 15%, with a minimum of R150 per claim 
  • The pet must be seen by a vet within 48 hours of the time of the accident

Fur-bulous Optional

Everyday Routine Care from R65 per month

Get preventative care cover towards vaccinations, tick/flea & deworming, microchipping & sterilisation,  grooming & nail-clipping, training & puppy socialisation.

Routine Lean for R65 per month, R1 100 per year (R320 Savings) 
Routine In-Between for R130 per month, R2 200 per year (R640 Savings) 
Routine Supreme for R195 per month, R3 300 per year (R960 Savings) 

Premium Saver

Premium Saver 1 000 saves you 7.5% on your premium every month, with a fixed excess of R1 000 per claim
Premium Saver 2 000 discounts your premiums by even more! You’ll get 15% off your premium every month with this add-on, with a fixed excess of R2 000

Both options replace the Lite, LitePlus, Day-2-Day, Hospital, & Dental Excesses (for Essential & Ultimate360 plan members)

If you don’t claim a lot, & only for big claim amounts, this is a no-brainer for you

Available on Lite, LitePlus, Essential, & Ultimate360 plans only

Benefit Booster

First of its kind in SA – this can be used to add benefits, increase benefits, or cover pre-existing conditions (on all plans.) Wow!

Chronic Care Support Plan

Cover for ongoing treatments not traditionally covered by insurance.

Available on Essential & Ultimate360 plans only.
